Announcing the programme for the 2015 Szeged Open-Air Festival

 After an absence of ten years, a Verdi opera will again be performed at the Szeged Open-Air Festival, joined by the first Shakespearean work in more than a decade. The directors held a press conference today to discuss the programme for the coming summer, with ticket sales commencing on the same day. 

2014. September 29.


Depardieu’s order: János Háry, Gyula Bodrogi, fish soup

Gerard Depardieu will play the role of Napoleon in today's premier, János Háry of the Open-air Festival. The performance is fantastic – as he pointed out. The superstar joined the cast on Wednesday this week. He was amazed by his talented colleagues and the staging of the play by Attila Béres. He said that he got to know Hungarians through the beautiful musical play of Zoltán Kodály.

2014. July 31.


Depardieu signed his contract to play at Szeged

Gerard Depardieu signed his contract with the Open-Air Festival of Szeged for the role of Napoleon in the Hungarian play János Háry. Tamás Herczeg director, Gyula Harangozó artistic director and the director of the play was present at the important meeting.

2014. May 30.

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