Zsolt Gunther (DLA),
architect of Szeged Cathedral's reconstruction
Emptiness as Inspiration. The Cathedral and the Cathedral Square in Szeged
The construction of Cathedral in Szeged and the design of its environment is closely related to the reconstruction after the floods in 1879. The Cathedral can be interpreted as the symbolic centre of a fresh start as well. The Cathedral built according to the plans of Frigyes Schulek and Erno Foerk and the Cathedral Square designed by Bela Rerrich has uniform flanking buildings. The square itself is one of the city's best urban squares because of its generous space and reflects the duality of the city due to its geographical location. On the one hand, the arcades enriched by architectural details evoke the Mediterranean piazzas, on the other hand, the solid brick architecture forms the cooler, northern counterpoint.
These two elements represent the balanced mixture which integrates the square so organically into its environment. The sublime space proportions, the surrounding arcades and the overwhelming Cathedral have made the square one of the most popular locations in the city so far. The renewal of the Cathedral confirms this. The square becomes a stage for urban life.