Jegyvásárlás OMW-Goodwill nyereményjáték Párizsi út nyereményjáték

Place, Art, Intellect

„PLACE, ART, INTELLECT" A conference marking the 55th anniversary of the Szeged Open Air Festival's second beginning and International Theatre Day   27-28 March 2014, REÖK, Szeged

I. OPENING the Conference, Thursday, 27 March, 14:00

Official opening - László Botka, Mayor, City of Szeged
Welcome - Gábor Szabó (DSc), Rector, University of Szeged
Laudation - László Kiss-Rigó, Bishop, Szeged-Csanád Diocese

Host: Gyula Harangozó, Artistic Director, Szeged Open Air Festival

I. „PLACE"/ Section I. Thursday, 27 March, 15:00 – 18:00

15:00 Gábor Horváth (PhD), historian
Votive symbolism of the Szeged Dome and Square

15:30 Zsolt Gunther (DLA), architect of Szeged Cathedral's reconstruction
Emptiness as Inspiration - The Cathedral and the Cathedral Square

16:00 Róbert Nátyi, art historian
The Arts Panel of Szeged Youth

16:30 Sándor Gyüdi orchestra conductor; Director, National Theatre of Szeged
Opera productions in the Open Air Festival

17:00 Tamás Gajdó (PhD), advisor, Hungarian Theatre Museum and Institute
Hungarian operetta on the open air stage of Szeged

17:30 Géza Hegedűs D. (DLA), actor, professor at University of Theatre and Film Art,
Forms of expression in modern theatre and their relationship to place

Host: Tamás Herczeg

II. GALA AWARD CEREMONY of the Chamber of Hungarian Actors [MASZK]

in the National Theatre of Szeged, Thursday, 27 March, 19:00

Géza Hegedűs D., Chairman of the Chamber and Sándor Gyüdi, Director of the National Theatre of Szeged

III. „ART"/ Section II. Friday, 28 March, 10:00 – 12:00

10:00 Ágnes Kovács, Secretary of Foundation Mátyás Varga
Mátyás Varga: Master of the Open Air Festival's visual spectacle

10:30 Csilla Gyémánt, professor, Teacher Training Faculty, University of Szeged
„Vero e Bello – True and Beautiful" Verdi operas at the Szeged Open Air Festival

11:00 János Sándor, Jászai Prize-winning director; theatre historian
The Beginnings of the Szeged Open Air Festival – Minus the Mythology

11:30 Árpád Marton, journalist
People's theatre with popular operas- Rock Operas and musicals

Host: Tamás Herczeg

IV. „INTELLECT"/ Section II. Friday, 28 March, 14:00 – 17:00

14:00 Zoltán Mariska (CSc, PhD), professor, historian of Szeged's University
The City and the University – Intellectual Roots in Kolozsvár

14:30 Gábor Feleky (CSc, PhD), professor; Department head, Sociology
Audience characteristics

15:00 Tamás Herczeg (PhD), director, Szeged Open Air Festival
Current operation of the Open Air Festival

15:30 András Máté-Tóth (PhD, PhD), professor; Department head, Religious Studies
Drama magic

16:00 József Pál (DSc), professor; Department head, Italian Language and Literature Studies
Verdi's romantic operas on the Szeged Open Air Festival stage

16:30 György Endre Szőnyi (DSc) professor; Director, Institute for English and American Studies
The Iconology of Power. Shakespeare at 450 and the Szeged Open Air Theatre

Host: József Balog


További előadásaink


Georg Friedrich Händel



07. | 17., 18.

Graham Linehan

The Ladykillers


07. | 24., 25.


Der bürgerliche Gentleman


08. | 07., 08.