A kiss and nothing more
Eisemann - Halász - Békeffi
9 PM 15th July, 2023
The young and beautiful Annie, wishing to divorce her husband, turns to her family friend, the divorce attorney Dr. Sárkány, who is quite popular with the ladies. Upon his advice, she moves into a hotel to avoid contact with her soon-to-be ex-husband. However, she happens to meet a handsome and quite determined young man who ends up stealing her heart – despite never having actually introduced himself. Their encounter soon turns out to be fateful for the outcome of the divorce proceedings and for the lovers as well.
Meanwhile the other couple of the story, Péter, Dr. Sárkány’s shy son and Teca, his maid, are bracing up to finally divulge a big secret to the lawyer. The fate of the orphaned Teca and her baby shall also be decided in the courtroom where the little boy even gains an extra grandma in the process…
Musical comedies capture audiences every time! This play by the National Theatre of Szeged, too, shall capture the Újszeged Stage viewers’ hearts – that much is guaranteed by Mihály Eisemann’s music, Imre Halász’s hilarous scenes, and the direction of Tamás Juronics director-choreographer.